Nicole & Jason – Eating habits
Tuesday, 20 August 2019
by Dr. Tom Lavin
Nicole and Jason live in New Orleans where food is a way of life. In New Orleans, people make lunch plans at breakfast. After Nicole and Jason underwent the Laparoscopic Sleeve, food became more of a health sustaining feature and less of a social necessity. This isn’t to say Nicole and Jason stopped socializing over
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Nicole & Jason – Portion sizes
Friday, 16 August 2019
by Dr. Tom Lavin
Nicole and Jason live in New Orleans where food is a way of life. In New Orleans, people make lunch plans at breakfast. Prior to undergoing the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, Jason’s dinner consisted of an appetizer (or two), a salad, soup, entrée, and dessert. According to Jason, his weight reflected the amount of food he
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Nicole & Jason – Their to-do list
Wednesday, 07 August 2019
by Dr. Tom Lavin
Nicole and Jason are attorneys, parents, colleagues, etc. Their to-do list is probably longer than most. Prior to surgery, their list of errands and work seemed daunting and exhausting. Nicole recalls times when she dreaded just getting out of the car, grabbing the kids, and running those errands. Everything felt like a burden. Now, they
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Nicole & Jason – The best decision of their lives
Monday, 29 July 2019
by Dr. Tom Lavin
Like many of our patients, Jason researched the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy a lot prior his first appointment. He feared the surgery would cause extensive gastric distress or change his biology. Nicole was more familiar with the surgery and, like friends do, helped Jason understand the surgery simply made “your belly smaller.” Both Nicole and Jason
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