How Bariatric Surgery Changed My Life
Monday, 02 December 2019
by Dr. Tom Lavin
When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, I was terrified. I went home, started crying, and researched exactly what being diagnosed with diabetes really meant. I had always heard the word “diabetes”, but I truly did not know what I was faced with. My doctor didn’t provide much explanation on what to expect, my prognosis
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Kera – Spotlight!
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
by Dr. Tom Lavin
My name is Kera Melancon. I am 34 years old with an amazing husband and three beautiful children. I was diagnosed with diabetes at 31 years old. When I found out that I was a diabetic, I wasn’t very educated and thought “ok I’ll just not eat as much sugar”. Little did I know there
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Nicole & Jason – Fad Diets & Trendy Workouts
Tuesday, 01 October 2019
by Dr. Tom Lavin
Fad diets and trendy workouts typically don’t provide long-term weight loss results. Prior to his surgery, Jason spent hours and hours in the gym. He tried every supplement on the market. Nothing provided him the long-term sustained results he desired. Nicole experienced a similar struggle. She recalls attending a yoga class in New Orleans with
- Published in Patient Stories
Nicole & Jason – Genetically Prone to Obesity
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
by Dr. Tom Lavin
Many people view bariatric surgery as a procedure for patients considered to be “morbidly obese.” However, our practice offers weight loss options for patients looking to lose 50 pounds, 100 pounds, 150 pounds, all the way to 300-400 pounds. According to Nicole, many of her immediately family members struggled with obesity and, as a result,
- Published in Patient Stories