When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, I was terrified. I went home, started crying, and researched exactly what being diagnosed with diabetes really meant. I had always heard the word “diabetes”, but I truly did not know what I was faced with. My doctor didn’t provide much explanation on what to expect, my prognosis
In addition to helping patients lose weight, bariatric surgery can resolve Type 2 Diabetes, as well as substantially lower the risk for strokes and heart attacks.  According to a recent research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found bariatric surgery patients were 39% less likely to experience a heart- or stroke-related

Dr. Lavin’s Weight Loss Seminar

What you need to know about weight loss surgery

Kera – Spotlight!

My name is Kera Melancon. I am 34 years old with an amazing husband and three beautiful children. I was diagnosed with diabetes at 31 years old. When I found out that I was a diabetic, I wasn’t very educated and thought “ok I’ll just not eat as much sugar”. Little did I know there
Patient Advocates are also patients that have been through the process and can answer all of your questions.