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Every member of the Surgical Specialists of Louisiana team is passionate about our mission! We work tirelessly to ensure each patient receives the best medical care. Listen below to hear more about Kera and Mikey’s experience with our team.
Nicole and Jason live in New Orleans where food is a way of life. In New Orleans, people make lunch plans at breakfast. Prior to undergoing the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, Jason’s dinner consisted of an appetizer (or two), a salad, soup, entrée, and dessert. According to Jason, his weight reflected the amount of food he

Nicole & Jason – More confidence

Prior to surgery, Jason would wake up feeling tired. His fatigue would follow him throughout the day, worsen after an unhealthy lunch, and leave him feeling bloated and unhappy at the end of each day. He attempted to cure his unhealthy eating habits and fatigue with long workouts and crash diets, but the results never
Prior to surgery, Kera was in liver and kidney failure. Mikey was constrained to an insulin pump at all times. Doctors didn’t know how to help except to pump them full of more insulin. It was not until Kera and Mikey visited with our team that they realized Type 2 Diabetes can be cured by